Visit Cuenca, Ecuador

Cuenca is Ecuador’s third largest city and has long been renowned for its vibrant traditions, thriving artistic communities,…

multisport tour with sea kayaking

Why a multisport tour with sea kayaking could be the best way to see the Galapagos Islands

The indescribable beauty of the Galapagos Islands can be taken in through a variety of tour options but,…

The Amazon, the largest tropical forest in the world

The Amazon, the largest tropical forest in the world, that from the birds’ eyes, the view resembles a…

South Mobile memories

Good memories, a thought that brings beautiful sensations, causing us joy, memories we shared with our loved ones.…

The Galapagos Islands

"The archipelago is a small world within itself, or rather a satellite attached to America..." Charles Darwin's description…

Terra Incognita

An unknown land of head hunters; a not hospitable place where cartographers confused the course of the rivers…